2015-10-31 | 编辑:文\经济金融部

该论文2015年被国际顶级计量经济学杂志 Journal of Econometrics接受发表“Gao, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, S. and Zou, G. (2015). Model averaging based on leave-subject-out cross validation.”。副主编和两位审稿专家较好的评价。 副主编: I also read the paper and believe that the paper makes a significant contribution to the existing literature on estimation of panel data models by using model averaging method, and by allowing for a more general (non iid) error processes;第一位审稿人: The current paper makes a nice contribution to the literature by proving optimality of model averaging based on LsoCV method,…;第二位审稿人: The paper is interesting,…。