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Large-scale Fusion Simulation
【2013.7.26 4:00-5:00pm,Hall】



  Colloquia & Seminars 



   林志宏University of California, Irvine 



   Large-scale Fusion Simulation                         



    2013.7.26 4:00-5:00pm                                      





    After half a century of intense pursuit, fusion remains an elusive goal as an attractive solution for the world’s increasingly critical energy problem. The key obstacle for reaching the ignition has been the lack of fundamental understanding, and thus the limited ability of controlling the complex, nonlinear, and dynamical system characteristic of high temperature plasmas in fusion experiments. Renewed optimism in magnetic confinement has come from recent progress marked by the strong coupling between experiment, theory, and simulation. In particular, large-scale simulations enabled by the ever increasing power of modern computers are rapidly advancing the fusion energy science.

    Confinement and stability properties of fusion plasmas depend on cross-scale interaction of multiple physical processes of microturbulence, energetic particle instabilities, and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modes. I will discuss the development of the integrated particle simulation of these kinetic-MHD processes critical to ITER fusion experiments. Such large scale fusion simulation requires interdisciplinary collaborations involving plasma physicists and computational scientists. I will also highlight recent progress in the verification and validation of the simulation model and in the studies of nonlinear wave-particle interactions underlying the transport processes in collisionless plasmas.


    美国加州大学Irvine分校教授。北京大学1989学士,普林斯顿大学1996博士。2000年获美国青年科学家与工程师总统奖,2004年获美国国家科学基金 NSF CAREER Award2006年获选为美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)。2009年受聘为中国教育部长江讲座教授,组建北京大学聚变模拟中心。2013年任国家磁约束核聚变能发展研究专项《托卡马克大规模数值模拟》项目首席科学家。 


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