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The Buckling Sphere——A Symbiosis of Mechanics and Geometry
【2016.5.31 10:00am, N202】



  Colloquia & Seminars 


Prof. Herbert Mang, Vienna Uni. Of Technology, Academician of CAE, Austria, Germany, ….


The Buckling Sphere——A Symbiosis of Mechanics and Geometry


2016.05.31 上午10:00-11:30




The basis of this work is a novel symbiosis of mechanics of solids and spherical geometry to quantify and illustrate the variation of the “non-membrance” percentage of strain energy in the pre-buckling region of elastic structures. The zenith angle of an arbitrary point of a specific curve on an octant of the unit sphere, called buckling sphere, is related to this energy percentage. For the limiting case of buckling from a membrance stress state this curve degenerates to a point, characterized by zero values of both spherical coordinates. For all other stress states the azimuth angle increases with the proportionally increasing load. Its magnitude at the stability limit correlates with a quantity that depends on both the “non-membrance” deformations and of the stiffness of the structure at incipient buckling. The azimuth angle is computed with the help of the so-called consistently linearized eigen-problem, which is solved by means the Finite Element Method. This eigenvalue problem is the basis for a hypothesis for the “non-membrance” percentage of the strain energy. In the theoretical part of the paper, the concept of the buckling sphere is presented. Thereafter, its numerical realization is described. The subsequent numerical investigation consists of four examples, referring to buckling from a membrance stress state, a pure bending stress state, and a general stress state. The practical motive for this research is the intention to investigate the influence of “non-membrance” action just before buckling on the initial post-buckling behavior of elastic structures.     


赫伯特·芒的杰出成就和贡献使其获得多国和多个国际组织的奖励总计16项:1996年获奥地利政府的威廉埃克斯纳奖章;2002获奥地利科技界最高荣誉—科学与艺术荣誉十字勋章; 2004年以其姓氏“Mang”命名了一颗小行星,等等。1992年当选奥地利科学院院士,曾任奥地利科学院院长,并陆续当选欧洲科学院、美国工程院等18个国家或地区的院士或外籍院士。 

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