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Homogeneous solutions of stationary Navier-Stokes equations with isolated singularities on the unit sphere
【2017.1.16 4:00pm, N913】



  Colloquia & Seminars 


Prof. Li Yanyan, Department of Mathematics,Rutgers University, USA


Homogeneous solutions of stationary Navier-Stokes equations with isolated singularities on the unit sphere


2017.1.16 16:00-17:00




We classify all $(-1)-$homogeneous axisymmetric no swirl solutions of incompressible stationary Navier-Stokes equations in three dimension which are smooth on the unit sphere minus the south pole, parameterize them as a two dimensional surface with boundary, and analyze their pressure profiles near the north pole. Then we prove that there is a curve of $(-1)-$homogeneous axisymmetric solutions with nonzero swirl, having the same smoothness property, emanating from every point of the interior and one part of the boundary of the solution surface. Moreover we prove that there is no such curve of solutions for any point on the other part of the boundary. We also establish asymptotic expansions for every (-1)-homogeneous axisymmetric solutions in a neighborhood of the singular point on the unit sphere. This is joint work with Li Li (Harbin Institute of Technology) and Xukai Yan (Rutgers University). 



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