Abstract | In this talk, we will explain the final outcome on the Beilinson-Bloch-Kato conjecture for motives coming from certain automorphic representations of GL(n) × GL(n+1), of our recent project with Yichao Tian, Liang Xiao, Wei Zhang, and Xinwen Zhu. In particular, we show that the nonvanishing of the central L-value of the motive implies the vanishing of the corresponding Bloch-Kato Selmer group. We will also explain the main ideas and ingredients of the proof. 本次巴黎北京东京算术几何讨论班将采用Zoom网络研讨会形式。请提前填写下面的信息。我们会在报告前一天把参会链接发到您的邮箱。如果已经通过其他途径注册参加本次报告,无需重复注册。感谢大家的支持! 链接:https://server.mcm.ac.cn/~zheng/SGA/Liu |