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Anti-Ramsey number of matchings in 3-uniform hypergraphs
【2022.12.15 4:00pm, 腾讯会议】



  Colloquia & Seminars 





Anti-Ramsey number of matchings in 3-uniform hypergraphs






  Let n, s, and k be positive integers such that k ≥ 3, s ≥ 3 and n ≥ ks. An s-matching Ms in a k-uniform hypergraph is a set of s pairwise disjoint edges. The anti-Ramsey number ar(n, k, Ms) of an s-matching is the smallest integer c such that each edge-coloring of the n-vertex k-uniform complete hypergraph with exactly c colors contains an s-matching with distinct colors. The value of ar(n, k, Ms) was conjectured by Ozkahya and Young (Anti- Ramsey number of matchings in hypergraphs, Discrete Math., 313 (2013), 2359–2364) for all n ≥ sk and k ≥ 3. Frankl and Kupavskii (Two problems on matchings in set families - in the footsteps of Erdos and Kleitman, J. Combin. Theory ser. B, 138 (2019), 286–313) verified this conjecture for all n ≥ sk + (s − 1)(k − 1) and k ≥ 3. We aim to determine the value of ar(n, 3, Ms) for 3s ≤ n < 5s − 2 in this paper. Namely, we prove that if 3s < n < 5s − 2 and n is large enough, then ar(n, 3, Ms) = ex(n, 3, Ms−1) + 2. Here ex(n, 3, Ms−1) is the Turan number of an (s − 1)-matching. Thus this result confirms the conjecture of Ozkahya and Young for k = 3, 3s < n < 5s − 2 and sufficiently large n. For n = ks and k ≥ 3, we present a new construction for the lower bound of ar(n, k, Ms) which shows the conjecture by Ozkahya and Young is not true. In particular, for ¨ n = 3s, we prove that ar(n, 3, Ms) = ex(n, 3, Ms−1) + 5 for sufficiently large n.

This is a joint work with Mingyang Guo and Xing Peng.



  鲁红亮教授主要研究图的度约束因子与超图的匹配问题,解决了多个图因子及匹配研究领域的公开问题及猜想;到目前为止,已发表及接受发表论文60余篇,多篇论文发表在SIAM DM、JGT、JCTA、Sci.China Math.等图论领域权威期刊上;受邀在第九届全国组合数学与图论大会“大会报告”,华人数学家大会做邀请报告;共主持四项国家自然科学基金项目,其中三个面上项目,一个青年项目。



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