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Build an end-to-end scalable and interpretable data science ecosystem by integrating statistics, ML, and genomics and health sciences
【2024.07.08 14:00, N219】



Colloquia Seminars 


林希虹教授(美国科学院院士, 美国哈佛大学


Build an end-to-end scalable and interpretable data science ecosystem by integrating statistics, ML, and genomics and health sciences






The data science ecosystem encompasses data fairness, statistical, ML methods and tools, interpretable data analysis, and trustworthy decision-making. Rapid advancements in ML have revolutionized data utilization and enabled machines to learn from data more effectively. Statistics, as the science of learning from data while accounting for uncertainty, plays a pivotal role in addressing complex real-world problems and facilitating trustworthy decision-making. In this talk, I will discuss the challenges and opportunities involved in building an end-to-end scalable and interpretable data science ecosystem that integrates statistics, ML, and genomics and health science. I will illustrate key points using the analysis of large scale whole genome sequencing data, electronic health records and biobanks by discussing a few scalable and interpretable statistical and ML methods, tools and data science resources for gene mapping and genetic risk prediction. Examples of large WGS studies and biobanks include the Trans-Omics Precision Medicine Program (TOPMed), TOPMed, UK Biobank and All of Us. These studies have collectively sequenced over a million genomes and thousands of diseases and traits from electronic health records.


林希虹教授:美国科学院院士,美国国家医学院院士,哈佛大学公共卫生学院生物统计学系终身教授和前系主任,数量基因研究部主任,和统计系终身教授,她获2002年美国公共卫生学会年杰出健康统计学家的Spiegelman奖,2006年统计学界最高奖“考普斯会长奖”,以及2015和 2022年美国国家癌症研究院杰出研究员奖,2022美国国家统计研究院交叉研究Sacks奖,和2022年哈佛大学统计科学Zelen领导力奖。她主要从事海量基因和健康数据,流行病数据的统计和机器学习方法的研究及应用。她曾任考普斯委员会主席,和Biometrics和 Statistics in Bioscience杂志的主编。

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