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A note on optimal allocations for the second elementary symmetric function with applications for optimal reliability design
【2012.10.23 10:00-11:00am,S309】



  Colloquia & Seminars 




  A note on optimal allocations for the second elementary symmetric function with applications for optimal reliability design


  2012.10.23 10:00-11:00am




  This article considers the problem of determining the optimal size allocation and optimal number of experimental conditions for a second elementary symmetric function with different coefficients. Analytical solutions for several practical applications are derived and the general formulation is used to elucidate the foundation between different parametric models found in recent studies. A geometrical interpretation of the structure of some theoretical results is also provided. This approach renders some complex problems more tractable than what numerical search algorithms would allow.


  Chien-Yu Peng received the B. S. degree in Mathematics from Cheng-Kung University, then the M. S., and the Ph. D. degrees in Statistics from Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan. Currently, he is an assistant research fellow in Institute of Statistical Science at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. His research interests include degradation modeling and analysis, design and analysis of experiments, and statistical decision theory and methods. His articles have appeared in numerous technical journals such as Applied Mathematics Letters, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, IIE Transactions, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Journal of Statistical Software, Naval Research Logistics, Statistics & Probability Letters and Quality Technology and Quantitative Management.

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