Inverse Lax-Wendroff Procedure for Numerical Boundary Conditions【2025.03.19 10:00-11:00, N219】
From Sequential Decoding to Polar Coding: A Computational Perspective【2025.02.18 09:30-10:30, N204】
An Efficient Solver with Convergence Analysis for Mean-Field Games via the Best Response and Evolution【2024.11.29 15:00-16:00, N204】
Mathematical Optimization in the Era of AI【2024.10.31 15:30-16:30, N219】
Statistical Inference in High-Dimension【2024.10.29 16:00-17:00, N219】
Eulerian-Type Polynomials and Stirling Permutations【2024.10.14 16:00-17:00, N202】
局部间断有限元的超收敛【2024.07.22 15:00, N204】
DD-LOD【2024.07.22 10:00, N204】
How is it possible to solve time dependent problems in parallel?【2024.07.12 10:30, N702】
Build an end-to-end scalable and interpretable data science ecosystem by integrating statistics, ML, and genomics and health sciences【2024.07.08 14:00, N219】
Doubly Adaptive Spatial Quantile Regression for Neuroimaging Data【2024.07.04 10:30-12:00, N205】
Studying single cells through multi-condition and spatial context【2024.6.17 10:00, N202】
光刻机及工件台【2024.6.5 16:00, N219】
Noncommutative Lp-Saces and Applications【2024.4.8 11:00, N620】
语义通信中的鲁棒性研究【2024.3.27 2:00pm, N205】
关于稀疏表示中的一个公开问题【2024.2.3 4:30pm, N702】
AIA:AI辅助算法设计的若干尝试【2023.12.27 2:00pm, N202 腾讯会议】
国家数学与交叉科学中心2023年学术交流及年度总结会议【2023.12.5 8:30am, N204】
Some new algorithm developments on highly stiff stable schemes and on a SAV based approach for optimization problems【2023.11.20 4:00pm, N219】
Algebraic topology of digraphs and its applications【2023.11.14 10:30am, 腾讯会议】