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Mathematics in Data Science
【2023.7.14 10:00am, N226】



  Colloquia & Seminars 



Prof Shen Zuowei,National University of Singapore


Mathematics in Data Science


2023年7月14日 10:00-11:00




  We currently live in the age of big data, where discovering, interpreting, learning, and utilizing the information, knowledge, and resources hidden in data can greatly benefit humanity and improve our daily lives. However, the vast amount of data we collect is incredibly complex, and our expectations of what we can achieve with it are high. As a result, this presents numerous challenges and opportunities for various fields, particularly in the realm of mathematical science.
In this presentation, we will highlight specific examples, particularly in image and video processing, to demonstrate how mathematics has played a crucial role in the era of big data. Additionally, we will show how mathematics can push the boundaries of data science and explore the challenges that mathematicians face in this era of big data.


  Prof Shen Zuowei is Distinguished Professor and Director of Institute of Mathematical Sciences at the National University of Singapore. He is well-known for his fundamental contributions in mathematical foundations of data science, especially in the areas of approximation and wavelet theory, image processing and compressed sensing, computer vision and machine learning. His recent research interests focus on approximation theory of deep neural networks. Prof. Shen has been invited to speak at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in 2010 and the International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) in 2015. Prof Shen has been elected as Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences (2020), Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. US (2019), Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, US (2017), and inaugural Fellow of the Singapore National Academy of Science (2011).



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