Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for irregular holonomic D-modules【2014.1.22 5:00pm,C110】
计及大量分布式设备的智能电网运行【2014.1.21 10:15am,Z311】
Discreteness and the hyperbolic geometry of hexagons【2014.1.21 10:00am,S703】
A customized Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm and its application in Dantzig Selector【2014.1.21 9:15am,Z311】
Exceptional blowup solutions to quasilinear wave equations【2014.1.17 10:00am,S712】
Classification of some Levi flat hypersurfaces【2014.1.17 10:00am,S712】
The entropic curvature-dimension condition and Bochner's inequality【2014.1.15 4:00pm,S703】
On the extension of L2 holomorphic functions in this decade【2014.1.15 10:30am,S703】
Openness theorems in several complex variables【2014.1.14 10:00am,S509】
CT ABC【2014.1.12 1:30pm,Z311】
Stability of solutions to the dissipative quasi-geostrophic equations【2014.1.8 4:00-5:00pm,C410】
Correlations in high dimensional statistics【2014.1.8 4:00pm,S712】
Mixed Spectral Elements for the wave equations【2014.1.8 3:00pm,Z311】
Coarse-graining spiking neuronal networks: between homogeneity and synchrony【2014.1.8 11:00am,Z311】
Asymptotically compatible schemes for robust discretization of nonlocal models and their local limit【2014.1.8 10:00am,Z311】
Quantitative modeling of financial risks【2014.1.7 4:00pm,S712】
Stochastic Modeling and Stability【2014.1.3 4:00pm,C110】
Measurement of Economic Tail Risk【2014.1.2 4:00pm,S712】
Reliability Analysis for Linear Sensor Systems【2013.12.20 9:00-10:00am,S712】
Recent Progress on the Search of 3D Euler Singularities【2013.12.20 4:00-5:00pm,C311】