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Zeros of L-functions and random matrix theory
【2019.10.20 8:30am, N204】

【2019.10.9 3:30pm, N204】

Fatou's theorems on power series and their multivariate extensions
【2019.10.8 3:30pm, N202】

Determine the affine space by its automorphism group
【2019.9.2/3 10:45am, N226】

【2019.7.29-8.9 9:00am, N902】

Kloosterman Crystals for Reductive Groups
【2019.7.25 10:00am, N224】

Parallel Transport and P-adic Simpson Correspondences
【2019.7.23 10:00am, N224】

Local model of Hilbert-Siegel varieties, and the equivariant cotangent complex 1 & 2
【2019.7.5 10:45am, N202】

Functional Decomposition for Detecting Bursts in Water Distribution Systems
【2019.6.21 10:00am, N202】

【2019.6.17 10:00am, N205】

Hyper Molecular Dynamics Simulation within Ab-initio Scheme
【2019.6.7 3:30pm, Z311】

A finite-step convergent derivative-free method for unconstrained optimization
【2019.6.7 4:15pm, Z311】

Onsome of the differences between Z and Z2 in dynamics
【2019.5.28 3:00pm, N913】

KAM tori in multi-scale Hamiltonian systems
【2019.5.23 10:30am, N820】

Interface Assertions for Architecture Design Specification
【2019.4.26 10:00am, N205】

The geometry of the affine Springer fibers and Arthur's weighted orbital integrals
【2019.4.10 4:30pm, C110】

Product Formulae: C_0-Semigroups, Gibbs Semigroups, Dixmier Ideal and Trace
【2019.4.2 2:30pm, N820】

Optimal energy-conserving discontinuous Galerkin methods for wave equations
【2019.3.27 2:00pm, N702】

Curvature, Rescaling and Uniformization on Bounded Symmetric Domains
【2019.3.27 4:00pm, N202】

Minkowski Problems of Convex bodies
【2019.3.22 4:30pm, N913】

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