Modeling cell-cell communication using single-cell transcriptomic data【2022.12.14 10:00am, 腾讯会议】
Perfect Matchings in hypergraphs【2022.12.14 8:45am, 腾讯会议】
Proper orientations and proper orientation number【2022.12.12 3:00pm, 腾讯会议】
Extremal results on 4-cycles【2022.12.6 4:00pm, 腾讯会议】
Large scale device simulations【2022.12.1 9:00am, 腾讯会议】
图像驱动的数控加工运动轨迹整体规划研究【2022.11.25 1:00pm, 腾讯会议】
高精度三维重建:从多步骤优化到端到端学习【2022.11.24 2:00pm, 腾讯会议】
A constructive proof of finite time blowup of 3D incompressible Euler equations with smooth data【2022.11.17 10:00am, Zoom会议】
Markov Chains and θ-Congruent Number Problem【2022.11.15 11:00am, 腾讯会议】
复杂曲面五轴数控加工刀具姿态光顺的研究进展【2022.11.10 3:00pm, 腾讯会议】
Deep Approximation via Deep Learning【2022.11.1 3:00pm, 腾讯会议】
Cameron-Liebler Line Classes, Tight Sets, and Strongly regular Cayley Graphs【2022.10.25 9:00am, 腾讯会议】
Coulomb and Riesz gases: a review of what's known and unknown (III)【2022.10.14 4:00pm, Zoom会议】
Coulomb and Riesz gases: a review of what's known and unknown (II)【2022.10.12 4:00pm, Zoom会议】
Coulomb and Riesz gases: a review of what's known and unknown (I)【2022.10.10 4:00pm, Zoom会议】
Toric曲面的理论、算法与应用【2022.9.20 1:30pm, 腾讯会议】
重访自校正调节器【2022.9.19 2:30pm, N204 腾讯会议】
A Mathematical Introduction to Machine Learning【2022.9.13 10:00am, N204 腾讯会议】
微分几何与代数几何中的基本对应【2022.9.7 3:30pm, 腾讯会议】
Min-max construction of anisotropic CMC surfaces【2022.8.25 9:00pm, Zoom会议】